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The Silver Century Foundation explores aging's most significant concerns. Here at the Issues page we pull together links to the best articles, blogs and videos online and group them by categories. This is a carefully curated selection, including many insightful pieces that will give you something new to think about. Some are current, while others are older but just as relevant.


The Future of Aging

One thing is certain: your later years will be very different from your grandfather’s, or even your father’s. To begin with, you (and most of the people you know) will live a lot longer than they did. How will the world change to accommodate growing numbers of older people? How will those changes affect you?

You Aging

The Web is a rich source of interactive graphics that illustrate the way our bodies age. It also offers expert advice that can help you tell the difference between signs of normal aging and medical symptoms or guide you through changes in your mental and physical abilities and your close relationships.

Healthy Aging

Life expectancy keeps increasing and that means you probably have many long years ahead of you. To make sure they’re healthy years and to help you add to the total, brush up on the latest news and best advice on how to stay in shape, physically and mentally, for the long haul.

Emergencies and Disasters

Heat waves, electrical outages, car accidents, blizzards, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis -- whatever the emergency, time and again these events prove more hazardous for older people than for others. Are you and those you care about prepared?


Not a caregiver yet? Chances are you will be some day. Nobody teaches you what to do when a stubbornly independent parent suddenly can’t manage without your help, or how to accept help yourself if and when you need it.

End of Life

American writer Ernestine Ulmer said, “Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” As much as we would prefer to avoid it, it’s never too soon to talk about how we want our lives to end. The challenge is to find ways to make life’s last months or years worth living.

Living Arrangements

Where do you plan to live during your later life? Will you stay put or downsize to an adult community? Will you live alone or as part of a couple? Move in with your children or other family members? There are pros and cons for every possibility, and it’s not too soon to explore your options.

Health Literacy

Doctors used to tell us what to do, but no more. Today they explain treatment options and expect us to make our own decisions. Are you savvy enough about your health and medical care?

Financial Security

How can you make sure you’ll have an income for life? It helps to have a healthy attitude about making, spending and saving money, but most of all you need to know what it will take to maintain your standard of living once you stop working.

Myths and Stereotypes

Ageism is a form of prejudice based on misconceptions and false assumptions about aging. It stereotypes an incredibly diverse group of people, judging them solely by age. It leads to discrimination on the job and saps the self-confidence of many older people.

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Our Mission

The Silver Century Foundation promotes a positive view of aging. The Foundation challenges entrenched and harmful stereotypes, encourages dialogue between generations, advocates planning for the second half of life, and raises awareness to educate and inspire everyone to live long, healthy, empowered lives.

Notable Quote

"It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment; in these qualities old age is usually not poorer, but is even richer."

Cicero (106-43 BC)