
Boomerang Seniors—They’re Moving to Be Near Mom or Dad

Boomerang Seniors—They’re Moving to Be Near Mom or Dad
Like many peers in their 70s, Lois and Richard Jones of Media, PA, sold their home and downsized, opting for an apartment in a nearby senior living community they had come to know well. For 13 years, they have visited Lois’ mother, Madge Wertzberger, there.  Read more...


No One Likes to Think about Disaster, but Doing So Might Save Your Life

No One Likes to Think about Disaster, but Doing So Might Save Your Life
When Hurricane Harvey struck his neighborhood on August 28, 2017, the Rev. John Stephens of Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston helped launch a “boat ministry.” He and several men in the church navigated privately owned boats into the rising flood waters to rescue neighbors stranded in their homes.  Read more...


What Is Old Age For?

What Is Old Age For?
Old age is humanity's greatest invention, and on an even deeper level, it invented us. Old age transformed the way our most distant ancestors gave birth, reared their young, lived together, and fed themselves. Later it propelled the development of culture, language, and society.  Read more...


Three-Generation Households: Are They History?

Three-Generation Households: Are They History?
Nestled within the American psyche is a nostalgic image of a three-generation household: an older couple sitting by the fire with grandchildren playing about their feet while the children’s parents look on fondly. Yet in the 21st century, so few families include live-in grandparents that some social critics have accused Americans of abandoning the older generation. Surely, they scold, grown children usually took in their aging parents in the past.  Read more...


Books to Give or Keep in 2017

Books to Give or Keep in 2017
Friends all know I’m an avid reader, and it’s that time of year when they ask me to recommend books for holiday gift lists. I primarily seek out new fiction, but I enjoy deviating for an interesting memoir. Each of my picks connects to aging, from midlife on up.  Read more...


Emotional Contagion Is a Mixed Bag

Emotional Contagion Is a Mixed Bag
In 2008, my husband fell backward down a flight of stairs and suffered a brain injury. When I brought him home from rehab three months later, he was childlike and often confused. He sank into a deep depression—and I caught it from him.  Read more...


The Silver Century Foundation provides grants to further our mission and reinforce our initiatives. We are proud to have supported these projects, among others:

Health News Roundup

NEW Monthly Column

Author's imageThe latest on medical research, breakthroughs and legislation—news that can make a difference to your later life.


Test Your Aging Skills

Will exercise help your brain stay fit?

Will your brain slow down as you age?

Are you more likely to develop dementia if you live alone?

Photo Gallery

The Hands-Some Journey Project

The Hands-Some Journey ProjectPhotographer Elaine Zelker captures life stories through hand held objects.


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  • Books
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to help you make empowered choices about your future.

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Our Mission

The Silver Century Foundation promotes a positive view of aging. The Foundation challenges entrenched and harmful stereotypes, encourages dialogue between generations, advocates planning for the second half of life, and raises awareness to educate and inspire everyone to live long, healthy, empowered lives.

Notable Quote

"It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment; in these qualities old age is usually not poorer, but is even richer."

Cicero (106-43 BC)